Model Railroad Open Houses 2021

Since November is National Model Railroad month, many layout owners open up their homes and clubs to the public to share the hobby. Several HARM members visited model railroads during the month in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland.These included some large and highly detailed layouts such as those by Bill Kachel and Ken McCorry. We also visited many smaller layouts to see how these had changed during our recent pandemic quarantine. At the end of the month, HARM members Ken P., Bill F, and Scott W opened up their homes to visitors. An open house is a great way to meet new people and share the hobby. If you live in the MD, PA, DE, NJ area, check out for more information about how to participate next year. Enjoy the pictures below from our visits.

Check out some videos that one of our members, Alan F, shot at several of the open houses. Mason-Dixon RR YouTube Channel